A site that contains freethought information, wildlife videos, and an author page.
Apologies in advance – I am not a professional video editor. In some of these videos the sound feedback was not completely eliminated, and you may be be treated to an occasional word-flub that occurred when I was doing voice-overs. I have a few more videos to add, and may improve on the quality of those already posted if I have the time.
Also, a word of caution: DO NOT attempt to pet a strange iguana in the wild. The animals in these videos are not pets, they are wild, but have interacted with us for a very long time. They can recognize individual humans, and we have become familiar with their behaviors. Some will greet us with head bobs from a long way off. Some we cannot approach. Some are more aggressive than others and their behavior changes with the season. If you try to pet a strange iguana, it will probably try to flee. It may also feel threatened and try to bite. Iguana bites can be very serious as some carry a drug-resistant form of salmonella.