This site no longer hosts a poetry contest, but contains three unrelated topics: Religious freethought information, Unusual Animal Videos, and an Author’s Page. All can be accesed from the menu above.

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Topic 1 – A Brief Introduction to Religious Freethought: The carousel (below) contains freethought poems, scriptural passages, and quotations from famous (and infamous) individuals. The Freethought Information section (menu-above) contains pages that provide information on freethought organizations, and freethought literature. There is also a page that challenges you to find out if you are a religious skeptic. (Freethinker – A person who forms opinions about religion on the basis of reason, independently of tradition, authority, or established belief.)

So why religious criticism? One objective is to promote the separation of church and state. The Establishment clause in the First Amendment to our Constitution has been of immense value to the religious and unreligious alike by keeping sects out of each other’s hair as well as their pocketbooks. Think not? Locate the item in the carousel that deals with that clause and read a quote from Church & State in America to see what the country was like without it before we became a nation. It wasn’t pretty!  Items in the carousel point to other concerns as well. Religion is divisive and often dangerous – just look to the theocracies in today’s world and read about the wars, genocides, strife, and intolerances that occur all because some religion or sect thereof has different beliefs than another. One final issue I will mention is how little most people actually know about their religion (or are willing to recognize) beyond the legends, myths and fables they are taught from cradle to grave by relatives, friends and clerics. Many political conservatives of various faiths, for example, would be surprised to learn that you can search the entire King James Bible and you won’t find a single instance of the word “abortion” or its equivalent. On the contrary, it is replete with passages so inimical to children or pregnant women that they will turn a decent person’s stomach. How incredible that religious zealots claim the god(s) of this book are on their side, given its content and the reality that miscariages and stillbirths outnumber abortions. Perhaps their logic is backwards. Maybe the gods actually favor abortions and high childbirth mortality rates.  

More could be said, but this website is only designed to picque the interest of those who might be inclined to learn more. There is a whole body of writing available that can do a more through job than I can here. Go to the Freethought Publications page under the Freethought Information heading in the menu above. But first, a word of clarification: don’t infer from this criticism that the author of this site thinks all religious people are bad! On the contrary, I think that most people are far better than their religion! To pull another example from the carousel, consider the following quote from Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg, “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”

Topic 2 – Unusual Animal Videos: Here you will find videos featuring alpha male iguanas showing aggression towards one another during mating season, feedings of large numbers of wild iguanas, and feedings of wild curly tail lizards. There is also an unusual video that covers the nesting saga of a vulnerable white-crowned pigeon family (with a surprise or two). Time permitting, I will add additional footage later. I hope you enjoy.


Topic 3 – Author Page:  This page simply features information on the author’s two books and a couple of minor accomplishments. It may be expanded on later. There is also a link to download a pdf of Poking a Little fun at Religion, and it lists free promotional dates when Amazon allows both of my books to be downloaded in their Kindle versions.
